Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Social Science Research

2 Assistant Professor of Demography, Hakim Sabzevari University


meaning they give to Piggybacking . For this purpose, the Grounded theory and semi-structured interview technique have been used. The sample was selected from Saqez. Sampling was purposive and 21 case were selected to reach theoretical saturation. Interviews are encoded in the form of 125 concepts, 17 major categories and one nuclear category. Major categories include "group membership and group commitment", "special group ritual", "physical hazards", "mental harm", "Social isolation and exclusion", "reaction to labels", "natural hazards", "abnormal dangers", "poverty and economic pressure", "social distrust", "easy access and acceptance"," justification and legitimacy of your work", "skill and ability to control risks", "tendency to quit", "weaken Traditional production", cross-border ethnic and family interaction and specific characteristics. Categories in the form of a paradigm model are categorized based on three dimensions of causation, strategies and outcomes. The core category extracted is "Piggybacking a risky profession in the strait of underdeveloped borders ".
