Addiction as a risky adolescent encounter with identity challenges and other important areas)
(Qualitative study of causes and conditions of drug addiction in Ilam city) [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 159-192]
Aging phenomenon
study of the perception of geriatricians about the phenomenon of aging: a qualitative research [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2019, Pages 115-158]
analysis of The role of the broker In the story of Rabia and Baktash based on the role of mediator in Individual assistance [Volume 6, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 1-30]
Bahar County
Missing childhood and experience of violence as a face of life:
Study of early marriages of women in Bahar County [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 173-214]
Bringing Citizen Back in
Pathology of Earthquake Organize with Emphasis on People's Spontaneous Participation (Case study: Sarpol-e-Zahab City) [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 127-158]
Chronic illness
Life Managing Strategies After illness between people living with HIV-/AIDS [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2019, Pages 37-78]
Corona pandemic
Cyberspace and transformation of family members' interactions in the corona pandemic(Case study: Semnan county) [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 29-74]
Corporate Social responsibility
Representation of Oil and Gas Company Social Responsibility in Local Community Experiences: (Case Study: Kangan (Middle Pars)) [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2019, Pages 199-243]
analysis of The role of the broker In the story of Rabia and Baktash based on the role of mediator in Individual assistance [Volume 6, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 1-30]
The mental and objective welfare gap: a comparative study of Kurdistan and Semnan provinces [Volume 6, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 31-78]
Elderly and Dissatisfaction in Family Relations (Phenemonoligical Study among Tehranian Elderly) [Volume 6, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 79-129]
Divine Letter
analysis of The role of the broker In the story of Rabia and Baktash based on the role of mediator in Individual assistance [Volume 6, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 1-30]
Elder abuse
Elderly and Dissatisfaction in Family Relations (Phenemonoligical Study among Tehranian Elderly) [Volume 6, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 79-129]
Understanding the effect of participatory action research on empowerment of marginalized people in Tehran with a social innovation approach (Farahzad and Khavarshahr ) [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 43-81]
Family interaction
Cyberspace and transformation of family members' interactions in the corona pandemic(Case study: Semnan county) [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 29-74]
A study of the lived experience of gifted female students in Kerman from their menstruation [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2019, Pages 159-198]
Group Social Work
Effectiveness of social group work based on solution-focused on adolescents’ resilience [Volume 6, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 131-165]
Group Work
The Application of Group Work Intervention with task-centered Model in Children Labor [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 83-126]
Gypsy students
The Effectiveness of Time Perspective Training on Cohesive Self-knowledge and Stress Management in Gypsy Students in Tehran [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 1-27]
High Risk Behavior
The Application of Group Work Intervention with task-centered Model in Children Labor [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 83-126]
Life Managing Strategies After illness between people living with HIV-/AIDS [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2019, Pages 37-78]
Hotel Family
Cyberspace and transformation of family members' interactions in the corona pandemic(Case study: Semnan county) [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 29-74]
Addiction as a risky adolescent encounter with identity challenges and other important areas)
(Qualitative study of causes and conditions of drug addiction in Ilam city) [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 159-192]
Addiction as a risky adolescent encounter with identity challenges and other important areas)
(Qualitative study of causes and conditions of drug addiction in Ilam city) [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 159-192]
Individual Worker
analysis of The role of the broker In the story of Rabia and Baktash based on the role of mediator in Individual assistance [Volume 6, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 1-30]
The role of united nation development in women empowering [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 193-233]
A study of the lived experience of gifted female students in Kerman from their menstruation [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2019, Pages 159-198]
Keywords: Time perspective
The Effectiveness of Time Perspective Training on Cohesive Self-knowledge and Stress Management in Gypsy Students in Tehran [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 1-27]
Lived experience
Lived Experience of Children Without Effective parental Care in Residential Care Centers in Tehran [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 133-172]
Local Community
Representation of Oil and Gas Company Social Responsibility in Local Community Experiences: (Case Study: Kangan (Middle Pars)) [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2019, Pages 199-243]
A study of the lived experience of gifted female students in Kerman from their menstruation [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2019, Pages 159-198]
Missing childhood
Missing childhood and experience of violence as a face of life:
Study of early marriages of women in Bahar County [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 173-214]
Participatory Research Action
Understanding the effect of participatory action research on empowerment of marginalized people in Tehran with a social innovation approach (Farahzad and Khavarshahr ) [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 43-81]
Pathology of Earthquake Organize with Emphasis on People's Spontaneous Participation (Case study: Sarpol-e-Zahab City) [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 127-158]
People's Spontaneous Participation
Pathology of Earthquake Organize with Emphasis on People's Spontaneous Participation (Case study: Sarpol-e-Zahab City) [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 127-158]
Elderly and Dissatisfaction in Family Relations (Phenemonoligical Study among Tehranian Elderly) [Volume 6, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 79-129]
The role of united nation development in women empowering [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 193-233]
Problem Solving
study of the perception of geriatricians about the phenomenon of aging: a qualitative research [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2019, Pages 115-158]
Qualitative study
Understanding Effects of the Plan for Organizing Stree Children by Considering its Challenges [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 75-132]
Rabia and Baktash
analysis of The role of the broker In the story of Rabia and Baktash based on the role of mediator in Individual assistance [Volume 6, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 1-30]
The mental and objective welfare gap: a comparative study of Kurdistan and Semnan provinces [Volume 6, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 31-78]
Effectiveness of social group work based on solution-focused on adolescents’ resilience [Volume 6, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 131-165]
Addiction as a risky adolescent encounter with identity challenges and other important areas)
(Qualitative study of causes and conditions of drug addiction in Ilam city) [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 159-192]
Pathology of Earthquake Organize with Emphasis on People's Spontaneous Participation (Case study: Sarpol-e-Zahab City) [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 127-158]
Social Innovation
Understanding the effect of participatory action research on empowerment of marginalized people in Tehran with a social innovation approach (Farahzad and Khavarshahr ) [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 43-81]
Social Work
The Application of Group Work Intervention with task-centered Model in Children Labor [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 83-126]
Social Work
study of the perception of geriatricians about the phenomenon of aging: a qualitative research [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2019, Pages 115-158]
Solution-Focused Intervention
Effectiveness of social group work based on solution-focused on adolescents’ resilience [Volume 6, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 131-165]
Street children's organizing centers
Understanding Effects of the Plan for Organizing Stree Children by Considering its Challenges [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 75-132]
Stress management
The Effectiveness of Time Perspective Training on Cohesive Self-knowledge and Stress Management in Gypsy Students in Tehran [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 1-27]
Task-centerd model
The Application of Group Work Intervention with task-centered Model in Children Labor [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 83-126]
Teenage Girl
Effectiveness of social group work based on solution-focused on adolescents’ resilience [Volume 6, Issue 19, 2019, Pages 131-165]
The role of united nation development in women empowering [Volume 6, Issue 20, 2019, Pages 193-233]
Violence experience
Missing childhood and experience of violence as a face of life:
Study of early marriages of women in Bahar County [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 173-214]
Virtual Stem Family
Cyberspace and transformation of family members' interactions in the corona pandemic(Case study: Semnan county) [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 29-74]
Zahedan city
The role of structural violence in reducing the mental health of women in Zahedan [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2019, Pages 215-244]