Document Type : Research Paper
Assistant professor of sociology in Allameh Tabataba’i University
The nature of science is intertwined with research and the research is based on the problem. Problem is the basic pillar of science and in this field of knowledge, problem finding is the most important activity. These propositions are the assumptions on which the present article is based. This article is a discussion of theoretical considerations and therefore, it lacks empirical evidence and observations derived from it. In this research, an attempt has been made to study the status of the problem in social science research and the knowledge requirements of problem finding based on the teaching of philosophy of science. Hence, the nature of the problem and its importance have been considered in social research. That problems are the beginning and the end of the search for scientific truth, and in the cognitive realm, problem finding takes precedence over problem solving. On the other hand, the extent and complexity of social problems and the context of their occurrence, their historical nature and the instability of cognition and its reasons have been discussed. In the following, some of the cognitive considerations and necessities of doing social research have been introduced in a reasoned manner, which are necessary to move in the direction of living and dynamic knowledge. Among these considerations, epistemological, ontological and methodological assumptions have a special status, because they determine the logic and position of the researcher towards the research reasoning system.